By RECO Communications

As part of our ongoing communications with registrants about upcoming TRESA changes, here is the next video in the series. It focuses on new requirements affecting disclosures, consents and acknowledgement, as well as multiple representation and content of representation agreements.
The first video shared last week outlined the changes in how registrants interact with consumers, including the new RECO Information Guide and the Information and Disclosure to Self-represented Party form.
As mentioned in our email to you last week, the TRESA Explained page is available on RECO’s website. Information about the key changes, and bulletins on a variety of TRESA-related topics will be posted on this page as they become available. TRESA videos can be found there too.
Also, a TRESA mandatory continuing education (MCE) course is being developed. You will be notified as soon as it becomes available.
If you have questions, please contact us at Include “TRESA Question” in the subject line.
The RECO logo, RECO corporate brand identity, and the contents of this communication are subject to copyright and may not be disseminated, reproduced, modified or otherwise used by a third party without the prior written consent of RECO, which may be withheld at RECO's sole discretion. However, RECO registrants may forward unmodified RECO communications to other RECO registrants.
RECO. Email to Tina O'Brien (2023, March 16)